Development of Rural Communties Through the Investment of Sustainable Agriculture
In the result of the project implementation 40 youth-beneficiaries of the target/vulnerable communities (Tavush and Lori marzes) improved their skills and capacities as well as obtained additional knowledge on sustainable agriculture and high-value crops.
The project promoted the economic growth of the beneficiaries activity, raised their standards of living, supported the youth of the rural communities to implement profitable activity that will favor the reduction of emmigration. During the project accomplishment purposeful trainings were organized with the involvement of the entire chain from soil to market.
Partner: UMCOR Armenia Foundation
Establishment of Demo Plots in Dsegh and Dzoraghyugh Villages.
In the frames of the project the social-economic conditions of youth from Dsegh and Dzoraghbyur villages were improved. For organization of sustainable agriculture technical support were provided to the beneficiaries – berry saplings, control means, small agricultural tools and moto-blocks. In each beneficiary village a demo plot of berries for 1000 m2 were established. Besides, trellis and drip irrigation systems were installed. Project direct beneficiaries were 20, 10 youth from each village. The number of the indirect beneficiaries were more than 90. The project implementation gave the chance to increase the employement in the village, as well as the income of the youth involved in the project. In the result of project implementation in the community increased the effectiveness of agricultural production. After the project the active farmers shared their expierence amongst other interested members.
Partner: UMCOR Armenia Foundation
Partner: UMCOR Armenia Foundation
Establishment of demo plots in the GREEN Center of Hovk
In the frames of the project on 1000 m2 were established intensive plot with anti-hail net, trellis and automatic drip system. Forty wooden boxes were made with the aim to grow high-valoue greens and gherbs.
Partner: ADA, GAIA
Partner: ADA, GAIA
Capacity Building of Green Training Center, Tavush marz
Smart agricultural center obtained valuable, high-value saplings and seeds with the support of Caucasus Environmental NGO Network (CENN) wooden houses were constructed, where the trainees can stay. In the frames of the project a number of trainings were conducted on environmental and climate-adapted agricultural topics.
Partner: CENN
Partner: CENN
“Sthrengthening Land Based Adaptation Capacity in Communities Adjacent to the Protected Areas in RA”
In the frames of the project were established farmer field schools (FFS) in Tavush (Hovk) and Ararat (Urtsadzor ) villages. In the result of the trainings the farmers obtained theoretical and practical knowledge, as well as relevant capacities and skills. The mission of FFS is to assist the residents of the villages to imporve their capacities. Presently two active members of FFS are consultants in their villages and share their knowledge amongst the co-peasants as well as in the neighbouring villages.
Partner: EPIU SI, “Outsource” LLC
Partner: EPIU SI, “Outsource” LLC
Green Agriculture - the Main Key to the Development of Rural Tourism
In the frames of the project the smart agricultural center of Hovk village, Tavush marz launched also to provide other services. Besides, the trainees presently a number of tourists visit the center from Armenia and abroad, who are very much interested in both the smart agricultural center and plants more than 100 units growing in the center free of chemicals and a part of the latter are their food. During the project accomplishment the capacities of our employees were developed. Besides, training room was built there and relevant furniture were obtained.
Partner: GIZ
Partner: GIZ
Design of Sustainable Agricultural Zone, Business Plans and Grants.
In Kotayk marz was designed project of small eco-town, for this purpose 20 ha plot was studied. Adjacent to the intended small eco-town smart agricultural center is planned with the aim to supply organic food for the future residents of the small eco-town. The entire space was observed, soil structure, underground water, biodiversity. Then, the space was planned, the areas according to the growing crops were presented as well as availability of processing points and at the end were provided the ranges of the intedned expenses of the small eco-town of agricultural segment. The location of relevant livestock firms were indicated and more. The relevant resources of neighbouring communties were taken into consideration, for example, available feed base.
Partner: Amur Constructions LLC
Partner: Amur Constructions LLC
Cultivation of Fruit Trees, Berries and Vegetables in Fields and Greenhouses
In the frames of the project total 51 greenhouses were constructed for the beneficiaries of Martuni and Artsakh regions, Shushi Univeresity of Technology and Artisanal College called after V.Hambardzumyan, seeds of traditional and non-traditional, high-value crops. Besides, trainings were conducted on sustainable agriculture, greenhouse management and more for the beneficiaries relevant consultancy literature were provided. After the project through FB group the beneficairies receive every-day consultency. It is worthy to mention that the beneficaireis are very active in this group, almost every day they place the photos of their yield and if they have problems, shae and obtain relevant consultency.
Partner: ATP
Partner: ATP
Cultivation of High Value Crops in GreenHouses - Trainings
29 beneficiaries took part in the trainings on greenhouse management conducted in the Green Training Center of Dzoraghbyur, Kotayk marz.During the trainings the beneficiaries received also relevant literature, high-value seeds. At the end of the training a group of beneficaires were established with the aim to provide every-day consultancy. Besides, after the training our specialists visited the greenhouses of the beneficiaries and provided consultancy on the spot. During the visits representatives from the partner organization participated, also. After the project we are in communication with all the beneficiaries of this and our all projects.
Partner: World Vision Armenia
Partner: World Vision Armenia
Sustainable Agriculture - Cultivation of High-Value Crops - Trainings
Two-day trainings were conducted for the beneficiaries of ACBA Federation
(Ararat, Armavir, Aragatsotn, Lori, Shirak, Tavush, Syunik, Vayot DZor, Kotayk) on sustainable agriculture and cultivation of high-value crops. In 2022, 73 beneficiaries took part in the trainings and in 2023 as of today 195 beneficiaries. At the end of each training facebook groups were established with the aim to provide every-day consultency. In the frames of the project 10 consultency groups were established. ACBA Federation provided support for constructoin of fence for demo plots of Hovk and Haykavan.
Partner: ACBA Federation
Partner: ACBA Federation